
The exceptions defined by metaknowledge are:

exception metaknowledge.mkExceptions.BadCitation

Exception thrown by Citation

exception metaknowledge.mkExceptions.BadGrant
exception metaknowledge.mkExceptions.BadInputFile
exception metaknowledge.mkExceptions.BadProQuestFile
exception metaknowledge.mkExceptions.BadProQuestRecord
exception metaknowledge.mkExceptions.BadPubmedFile
exception metaknowledge.mkExceptions.BadPubmedRecord
exception metaknowledge.mkExceptions.BadRecord
exception metaknowledge.mkExceptions.BadScopusFile
exception metaknowledge.mkExceptions.BadScopusRecord
exception metaknowledge.mkExceptions.BadWOSFile

Exception thrown by wosParser for mis-formated files

exception metaknowledge.mkExceptions.BadWOSRecord

Exception thrown by the record parser to indicate a mis-formated record. This occurs when some component of the record does not parse. The messages will be any of:

* _Missing field on line (line Number):(line)_, which indicates a line was to short, there should have been a tag followed by information

* _End of file reached before ER_, which indicates the file ended before the 'ER' indicator appeared, 'ER' indicates the end of a record. This is often due to a copy and paste error.

* _Duplicate tags in record_, which indicates the record had 2 or more lines with the same tag.

* _Missing WOS number_, which indicates the record did not have a 'UT' tag.

Records with a BadWOSRecord error are likely incomplete or the combination of two or more single records.

exception metaknowledge.mkExceptions.CollectionTypeError
exception metaknowledge.mkExceptions.GenderException
exception metaknowledge.mkExceptions.GrantCollectionException
exception metaknowledge.mkExceptions.JournalDataBaseError
exception metaknowledge.mkExceptions.RCTypeError
exception metaknowledge.mkExceptions.RCValueError
exception metaknowledge.mkExceptions.RecordsNotCompatible
exception metaknowledge.mkExceptions.TagError
exception metaknowledge.mkExceptions.UnknownFile
exception metaknowledge.mkExceptions.cacheError

Exception raised when loading a cached RecordCollection fails, should only be seen inside metaknowledge and always be caught.

exception metaknowledge.mkExceptions.mkException